
  1. The plan of 2020
    1. something of my job
    2. something of my erp

The plan of 2020

something of my job

My working has going to thirtieth years for heatpipe ,everything i can do ,just PE, so , this years , i have to do something about design of heatpipe ,because i hope that when the needs for my boss.

something of my erp

The development of Novark(ND.hunan) is my first design and develop,because i think this erp is very importent for ND.

It is a large preject for me ,alone, just i can see it,because just alone ,nobody help me

Luckily,i did it,i got it, from 2019.10 to 2020.3, It is over in march.

So,the rest days ,i have to do something of routine maintenance

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发布时间:2020-03-11, 22:04:29

最后更新:2021-02-03, 13:21:10


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